Technical SEO

Do 404 Errors Impact SEO Rankings?

404 error pages are pretty common across the web. However, the existence of pages with 404 errors can harm your SEO efforts. Read more to know how.

Ananyaa Venkat

Decoding 500 Series Status Code Errors and SEO Impact

Explore the crucial implications of 500 Series server errors on SEO performance. Learn how to identify, diagnose, and resolve these critical issues.

Dileep Thekkethil

Guide to Blocking Robots.txt for SEO Optimization

Wrong directives in robots.txt file can prevent search engines from accessing a website. Read this article to avoid such costly mistakes.

Dileep Thekkethil

First Input Delay: How to Boost Your FID Score

Are you finding it hard to retain your visitors despite having a foolproof website with high-quality content? FID issues may be the culprit. FID is the measure of the time it takes for a browser to respond to the first interaction made by the user while the site is still loading. Let me tell you First Input Delay: How to Boost Your FID Score

Ananyaa Venkat

SSL for SEO: Can SSL Help Boost Google Rankings?

Wondering if your website really needs SSL? Find out how SSL contributes to website security and how it impacts SEO and Google rankings.

Ananyaa Venkat

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) Explained

Largest Contentful Paint is one of the three core web vitals. If you’re wondering why I chose to speak about LCP out of the three core web vitals, here’s the reason.

Ananyaa Venkat

​​Google Page Loading Speed: How Fast Should Websites Load in 2024

In 2023, website speed is more important than ever. A fast-loading website not only improves user experience but also helps with SEO. Here are some tips for optimizing your website’s page loading speed in 2023.

Dileep Thekkethil

Google PageSpeed Insights Tool: A Complete Blueprint

Want to improve your website’s performance and meet the latest pagespeed standards? Our in-depth blog will guide you through the key metrics in Google PageSpeed Insights tool.

Dileep Thekkethil

Crawling, Indexing & Ranking: Know How Search Engines Work

Learn how search engines like Google work and how you can get them to crawl, index and rank your website faster.

Ananyaa Venkat

Mobile-First Indexing Explained: Everything You Need to Know in 2024

Mobile-first indexing is Google’s way of prioritizing the mobile version of websites to rank content. Learn everything about it here.

Ananyaa Venkat