
Our team of skilled writers and editors bring you fresh content from the industry and keep you updated with everything related to SEO.


Turnaround Time (TAT) for SEO Projects: How Agencies Set Expectations

As an agency owner, the key to delivering a faster ROI for your clients is promptly implementing the proper SEO strategies. However, managing hundreds of client websites simultaneously means each client expects rapid results. That’s why your SEO agency must set clear expectations about turnaround time (TAT) with your clients, ensuring they understand the process Turnaround Time (TAT) for SEO Projects: How Agencies Set Expectations

Valliappan Manickam

SEO Workflow and Task Management for Larger Projects: The Definitive Guide

As an agency owner, you probably know how suffocating it can be when you are swamped with ten different tasks at once. From comprehensive website audits to strategic keyword research and intricate backlink building, the complexities are vast.  This can get more intense and become a daily scenario when you take up larger SEO projects. SEO Workflow and Task Management for Larger Projects: The Definitive Guide

Ananyaa Venkat

SEO Agency Growth: Best Practices for Scaling

Do you want to grow your SEO agency but do not know where to begin? You are in the right place. Scaling your SEO agency requires expanding your operations to handle more clients, bigger projects and increasingly complex tasks without trading on quality or efficiency. The SEO landscape is fiercely competitive at the moment. That SEO Agency Growth: Best Practices for Scaling

Ananyaa Venkat


6 SEO Pricing Models for Agency Owners

When it comes to SEO service pricing, it can be difficult to know what is a fair price and what is too much. Read this blog to know more.

Dileep Thekkethil


What’s a Good Click-through Rate?

Checkout some of the most effective ways to improve the CTR (Click Through Rate) which is one of the hidden search engine ranking factors.

Ananyaa Venkat

10 Benefits of White Label SEO Services Agencies Must Know

If you have landed on this article, you already know that choosing a White Label SEO program could be the best option for you to scale up your agency.  If you’re interested in understanding how your agency business can benefit from a white-label partnership with an agency like Stan Ventures, this article will help you 10 Benefits of White Label SEO Services Agencies Must Know

Dileep Thekkethil

What is White Label SEO: A Guide for Agencies

Think about this: After addressing a few fundamental SEO issues, a website you optimized experiences a significant boost in organic traffic.  The client, ecstatic with the results, is ready to scale their spending with you to ensure continued growth. However, there’s a challenge. While the client is eager to invest 2x or even 10x more, What is White Label SEO: A Guide for Agencies

Dileep Thekkethil

How Outsourcing Blog Writing Can Elevate Your Agency’s Profits

Are you struggling to keep up with the incoming orders for high-quality blog posts as part of your link building services? Don’t worry. You just need a helping hand, the right one. Many SEO agencies like yours face the daunting challenge of managing content production in-house, often because they have voluminous content requirements for guest How Outsourcing Blog Writing Can Elevate Your Agency’s Profits

Ananyaa Venkat

How to Harness First Contentful Paint (FCP) for Faster Page Loading

Did you know that improving site speed by just 1 second can bring 27% more conversions? Every user experience metric that takes you closer to that one–second improvement matters. There’s one metric that can help you showcase an excellent site speed and attract your visitors at the first instance. That is First Contentful Paint (FCP). How to Harness First Contentful Paint (FCP) for Faster Page Loading

Ananyaa Venkat


How to Increase Traffic to Your Website: 9 Proven Strategies for Success

If you have landed on this article, the chances are you are a distraught website owner almost at your wits’ end trying to understand how to drive traffic to your website that can deliver the results you want.  The most common problem a new website owner encounters in the initial days after the website’s launch How to Increase Traffic to Your Website: 9 Proven Strategies for Success

Dileep Thekkethil

How to Leverage Time To First Byte to Boost Your Page Loading Speed

Do you still find your web page loading sluggishly even after optimizing its page speed? You are probably focusing on the front-end performance of your website. I suggest you pay attention to the backend as well. That’s where page loading begins. A slow Time To First Byte is one such server-side issue that is most How to Leverage Time To First Byte to Boost Your Page Loading Speed

Ananyaa Venkat


Launching SEO for Your New Website: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide

Have you just built your new website? That’s great. But BEWARE. Stopping there is a grave mistake. Why? Do you know a new website is built every 3 seconds? That’s insanely fast, and you don’t want to go unnoticed like many of them. If you still think starting a website is enough to spike up Launching SEO for Your New Website: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide

Ananyaa Venkat


How to Keep Your Content Out of Google SGE AI Overviews

Today, we’re diving into something that many content creators and SEO enthusiasts are thinking about after the recent Google I/O and the introduction of Google SGE AI Overviews—how to prevent your content from appearing there. These nifty little snippets are great for users looking for quick answers, but they can be a double-edged sword for How to Keep Your Content Out of Google SGE AI Overviews

Dileep Thekkethil


How to Choose ccTLDs to Bolster Your SEO Strategy

Have you ever wondered why some websites end,.uk,.jp, .uk, .jp or .in? These suffixes are more than just part of a web address. They are what’s called country code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs). Using a ccTLD is super important, especially if you are focusing on international SEO and aiming to hold top Google rankings in How to Choose ccTLDs to Bolster Your SEO Strategy

Ananyaa Venkat

11 Must-Know AI Content Writing Tools in 2024

Check out some of the top AI content creation tools and know how these tools can shape up the future of the content marketing industry.

Ananyaa Venkat


17 Reasons Why Your Page Isn’t Ranking on Google

Are you struggling to rank on Google after investing plenty of time and effort? It can be pretty daunting. But don’t give up just yet. Let’s look at the bright side. Sometimes, figuring out where to tap to get your content positioned in SERPs may take time. But it is definitely possible.  If you can 17 Reasons Why Your Page Isn’t Ranking on Google

Ananyaa Venkat


30 SEO Onboarding Questions to Ask a New Client

Our SEO questionnaire features 30 essential questions to enhance your knowledge of the client and empower them with the right SEO strategy.

Ananyaa Venkat


Outsourcing SEO: A Definitive Guide for 2024

Insourcing vs. outsourcing analysis has become one of the most contentious topics today. 

Ananyaa Venkat


Google’s Pure Spam Manual Action: Everything You Need to Know

Are you seeing a message in your Google Search Console that says “Pure Spam Problem on”? If so, your website will no longer appear in Google search results. If you are trying to understand why Google did this to your site, continue reading this blog. However, if you knowingly indulge in activities that fall Google’s Pure Spam Manual Action: Everything You Need to Know

Dileep Thekkethil


How to Rank Higher on Google Search in 2024

If you have an online business or a website, that means you are on the run up to rank high on Google. But one question that still bothers you is, “How To Rank High On Google?”

Dileep Thekkethil

How to Rank on Google Maps in 2024: 19 Proven Techniques

When it comes to local SEO, Google Maps is a crucial factor to consider. Every company looks forward to having their business on Google Maps Search Results

Shreoshe Ghosh


How to Fix Crawled – Currently Not Indexed by Google Issue?

Is your website facing the crawled-currently not indexed issue in Google Search Console? Learn how to fix it with our step-by-step guide.

Dileep Thekkethil

Do 404 Errors Matter in SEO? Best Practices and Google Insights

404 error pages are pretty common across the web. However, the existence of pages with 404 errors can harm your SEO efforts. Read more to know how.

Ananyaa Venkat


5 Easy Search Console Verification Process for New Websites

Check out this step-by-step guide to 5 methods that Google recommend to verify your website’s ownership on search console.

Dileep Thekkethil

Decoding 500 Series Status Code Errors and SEO Impact

Explore the crucial implications of 500 Series server errors on SEO performance. Learn how to identify, diagnose, and resolve these critical issues.

Dileep Thekkethil

Content Mapping: Art of Luring Visitors into Customers

Content mapping is your blueprint that reflects how to deliver content to potential customers at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Read More!

Ananyaa Venkat

SEO Content Writing: How to Create Content that Ranks Well

Check out how you can create an effective SEO content strategy that sends your site skyrocketing to a top spot on Google.

Ananyaa Venkat


Holiday SEO: 20 Must-Know Tips for Your Business

Know how to use Holiday SEO strategy to improve your Google rankings, accelerate your sales and expand your profit margins incredibly.

Ananyaa Venkat


Enterprise SEO: A Definitive Guide for 2024

Want to know what exactly is Enterprise SEO? How it gives your website the extra push? We got all those covered in this extensive blog.

Ananyaa Venkat


Redirect Website and Webpage: 4 Methods with Examples

Whether you’re redirecting a few pages permanently or temporarily or an entire website from one domain to another make sure to read this guide.

Dileep Thekkethil


Hyphen Vs. Underscore in URL: Which is Best for SEO

The hyphen Vs.underscore for URLs clash has been around for years. However, Google recommends using hyphens.

Ananyaa Venkat

Guide to Blocking Robots.txt for SEO Optimization

Wrong directives in robots.txt file can prevent search engines from accessing a website. Read this article to avoid such costly mistakes.

Dileep Thekkethil


Pipe or Dash on SEO Title Tag? Pixels vs Aesthetics vs User Preference

Whether one leans towards pixel optimization, semiotic clarity, or aesthetic appeal, the key is to keep the user at the heart of these choices, testing and tailoring to their preferences.

Dileep Thekkethil


Keyword Difficulty in SEO: A Calculated Approach to Outrank Competitors

Master Keyword Difficulty beyond just understanding the metric itself but how to leverage it to the benefit of achieving your SEO.

Dileep Thekkethil


Why Is My Organic Traffic Down Suddenly? Key Reasons and How to Fix It

Know everything about sudden organic traffic dips; the causes, diagnoses and solutions.

Ananyaa Venkat

Best SEO Podcasts to Listen to in 2024

If you want to learn SEO or get actionable insights to grow your website on the go, make sure you explore these podcasts.

Ananyaa Venkat

Keyword Cannibalization: How to Identify and Fix the Problem

Are you optimizing multiple content pieces to rank for similar keywords? BEWARE. Your site may fall prey to keyword cannibalization.  Keyword cannibalization can hurt your site’s search engine ranking and bring down the visibility of your important pages. Fret not. You can recover your site from the bottlenecks of keyword cannibalization. The sooner you act, Keyword Cannibalization: How to Identify and Fix the Problem

Ananyaa Venkat


How to Get SEO Clients: 9 Tips and a 30-Day Plan

Thinking how to get SEO clients? Read now and know how to get SEO clients for your business using our tried and tested strategy.

Dileep Thekkethil


How Long Does SEO Take to Work

SEO isn’t as fast as its paid media counterparts. Check out the factors that determine the answer to how long does SEO take.

Ananyaa Venkat

First Input Delay: How to Boost Your FID Score

Are you finding it hard to retain your visitors despite having a foolproof website with high-quality content? FID issues may be the culprit. FID is the measure of the time it takes for a browser to respond to the first interaction made by the user while the site is still loading. Let me tell you First Input Delay: How to Boost Your FID Score

Ananyaa Venkat

SSL for SEO: Can SSL Help Boost Google Rankings?

Wondering if your website really needs SSL? Find out how SSL contributes to website security and how it impacts SEO and Google rankings.

Ananyaa Venkat

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) Explained

Largest Contentful Paint is one of the three core web vitals. If you’re wondering why I chose to speak about LCP out of the three core web vitals, here’s the reason.

Ananyaa Venkat

​​Google Page Loading Speed: How Fast Should Websites Load in 2024

In 2023, website speed is more important than ever. A fast-loading website not only improves user experience but also helps with SEO. Here are some tips for optimizing your website’s page loading speed in 2023.

Dileep Thekkethil

Google PageSpeed Insights Tool: A Complete Blueprint

Want to improve your website’s performance and meet the latest pagespeed standards? Our in-depth blog will guide you through the key metrics in Google PageSpeed Insights tool.

Dileep Thekkethil


Hiring SEO Experts: 6 Mistakes Digital Agencies Make

If you are an agency planning to hire SEO experts, you must read this article to learn about the mistakes agencies make while hiring them.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Thin Content in SEO: Everything You Need to Know

Thin content can result in the decline of a website’s organic growth. Learn more about it to keep your website safe from shallow and unhelpful content.

Dileep Thekkethil


SEO-Friendly URL Structure: A Definitive Guide for 2024

Haven’t optimized your URLs yet? Learn how Google looks at URL structure and how you can craft an SEO-friendly URL structure.

Ananyaa Venkat

Website Keyword Rank Checker: Your Key to Unravel Top Keywords

Google Keyword rank checker – a free tool for analyzing the top 20 keywords of any domain. Gives exact ranking positions, and search volume.

Dileep Thekkethil

Crawling, Indexing & Ranking: Know How Search Engines Work

Learn how search engines like Google work and how you can get them to crawl, index and rank your website faster.

Ananyaa Venkat

Backlink Checker Tool: Check Website Backlinks for Free

Free backlink checker for any site. Get a complete overview of the linking profile with metrics. A comprehensive guide included inside.

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Algorithm Update 2019

Older Google Algorithm Updates: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, Other Updates BERT Update Live for 70 Languages – December 9, 2019 Google has officially announced the rollout of BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) in Google Search across 70 languages. Earlier in October 2019, Google rolled out BERT, touting it as the latest and most reliable language processing algorithm. Google Algorithm Update 2019

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Algorithm Upate 2020

Older Google Algorithm Updates: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, Other Updates Google Algorithm Update – December 2020 Core Update On December 17th, Google announced that the rollout of the December 2020 Broad Core update is finally over. The December 2020 Core Update rollout is complete. — Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) December 16, 2020 The announcement about the update came two weeks back Google Algorithm Upate 2020

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Algorithm Update 2021

Older Google Algorithm Updates: 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019, Other Updates Product Review Update December 2021 Google has launched the second product review update for 2021, and it’s intended to help websites that offer in-depth reviews that help users make an informed buying decision. Earlier, in April, Google had launched a similar update. Sites with shallow reviews that add no value Google Algorithm Update 2021

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Algorithm Update 2022

Older Google Algorithm Updates: 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019, Other Updates December 2022 Link Spam Update Rollout Completed Announced on 14th December, the December 2022 Link Spam Update took close to a month to complete the rollout. On January 12th, Google officially announced that both Link Spam Update and Helpful Content update rollout has been completed. In fact, both these updates Google Algorithm Update 2022

Dileep Thekkethil

Mobile-First Indexing Explained: Everything You Need to Know in 2024

Mobile-first indexing is Google’s way of prioritizing the mobile version of websites to rank content. Learn everything about it here.

Ananyaa Venkat


32 SEO Mistakes to Avoid in 2024

Want to stay atop your competitors on Google and provide your target audience a good experience? Here are the SEO mistakes to avoid in 2022.

Shreoshe Ghosh


11 Reasons Why Your Business Absolutely Needs SEO

SEO is indispensable for the long-term success of any business online. Here are 11 reasons why your business absolutely needs SEO.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Helpful Content Update 2023: What Does It Mean to You?

One reason I decided to switch my writing career to core SEO was frequent altercations with SEO teammates. In a way, the hate for SEO made me learn more about it. 

Dileep Thekkethil

Complete Guide to Blogging & 5 Best Blogging Platforms

Do you want to start your own blog but don’t know where to begin?

Shreoshe Ghosh

18 Top Marketing Trends for 2024

Marketing is one of the most crucial aspects of any business because that’s how you shout out your presence to your potential customers.

Ananyaa Venkat

Google News SEO Optimization 2024: A Publisher’s Guide

Every site deserves a fair chance at ranking #1 on Google and news websites are no exception to this rule of thumb.

Ananyaa Venkat


Google Ranking Factors – 200+ Confirmed and Retired Signals

As you may know, there are over 200 factors influencing Google algorithms.

Ananyaa Venkat


ROI of SEO: How to Measure SEO Revenue Generated

SEO isn’t your game if your intention is quick results. Period.

Dileep Thekkethil


Affordable SEO Services for Small Businesses: 2024 Guide

The pandemic has been a real eye-opener for many offline small businesses. 

Dileep Thekkethil

How to Do a Reverse Image Search Smartly in 2024

There have been a lot of upgrades in the last few years, especially from Google around how image search results are displayed.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Google Algorithm Update 2024: June 2024 Spam Update

Google will be rolling out an incremental update to its helpful content system in the coming months.

Dileep Thekkethil


How to Use Google Trends for Keyword Research

As an SEO, you probably know how important it is to use the right keywords to drive positive SEO results for a website.

Ananyaa Venkat


Ecommerce SEO: Everything Online Stores Need to Know

Do you want a fool-proof formula to get your ecommerce website more traffic through better Google rankings?

Shreoshe Ghosh

The 17 Best Local SEO Tools for 2024

There was a time when local SEO was easy. All you had to do was get a few citations, add a category to the Google Places page, and you were good to go

Ananyaa Venkat

Canonical URLs: A Beginner’s Guide to Canonical Tags

Having an understanding of what is canonical and how you can properly use it is essential for SEO.

Diksha Arya


Google NLP Algorithms: Bringing a Perspective Change to SEO Content

Welcome back to another insightful blog topic! Today, we will discuss Natural Language Processing (NLP) and its impact on SEO.

Dileep Thekkethil

Exit-Intent Pop-ups: Examples & Best Practices for 2024

If you are baffled by users leaving your site without taking any intended action that you wanted them to, this article will help you change that forever.

Dileep Thekkethil


Pillar Cluster Content Model: A Complete Guide (2024)

As you know, SEO is ever-changing and no one can really claim that they have mastered it. 

Ananyaa Venkat


SEO Guaranteed Results: A Scam You Must Avoid

The current market is saturated with several SEO agencies promising to take your business to the next level.

Shreoshe Ghosh


How To Improve SEO Rankings in 2024

Are you stuck in the never-ending fluctuating cycle of SERP rankings? Does your competitor consistently outrank you despite your best SEO efforts?

Shreoshe Ghosh


Google Penalties: Tips to Check, Fix and Recover Your Rankings

Every website owner wants to achieve higher search engine rankings and witness greater online visibility to attract more visitors.

Ananyaa Venkat

53 Free SEO Chrome Extensions for Your Toolbar

As an SEO, do you want to get things done at a faster pace while not missing out on small but important details?

Ananyaa Venkat


Search Intent: Understanding User’s Intent for SEO Success

You may have already come across the term search intent quite a lot by now because the whole SEO arena is talking about it.

Dileep Thekkethil

SEO For Landscapers: Everything You Need to Know

Most consumers search for services and products online, especially local services.

Dileep Thekkethil

HVAC SEO Blueprint: A Guide for Contractors and Companies

The best strategy for launching and running a successful HVAC business is investing in the best digital marketing strategy, and SEO gives that marketing strategy the right bearing.

Shreoshe Ghosh


16 New SEO Trends to Look for in 2024

The SEO industry is unpredictable just like algorithm updates that Google launches from time to time.

Dileep Thekkethil

B2B SAAS SEO: A Complete Blueprint

With at least 70% of leading B2B (business to business) buyers kicking off their search for the best companies to buy from with a search query on Google or other search engines

Shreoshe Ghosh

How to Reduce the Bounce Rate in 2024

High bounce rate is a pressing issue faced by website owners as soon as they start seeing traction to the website. 

Dileep Thekkethil

Favicon SEO Benefits: Is It Really Important in 2024

When it was introduced in Favicon was not an essential component for websites.

Dileep Thekkethil

Passage Indexing: A New Ranking Algorithm from Google

Your Google search experience will reach new vistas starting 2021 as the search engine giant has rolled out a ranking factor – Passage Indexing.

Dileep Thekkethil


How to Submit URL to Google for Faster Indexing

Google is beating all other search engines out there! The latest report suggests that Google has over 86% share of the overall search traffic

Dileep Thekkethil


12 Insurance Marketing Ideas You’ll Ever Need In 2024

Are you having trouble creating an impactful marketing strategy for your insurance agency?

Hanson Cheng

Google Business Profile for Lawyers – A Complete Guide

Wondering what it would take for you to run a successful law firm with high online visibility and rankings on Google result pages? We’ve got one answer for you – Google My Business (GMB).

Dileep Thekkethil

Core Web Vitals: Everything You Need to Know

Don’t think that optimizing websites for better page speed experience is the task of the developer? 

Dileep Thekkethil

8 Successful Plumbing Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business Online

The way a plumbing business works has completely changed in the past few years. Earlier, people used to turn to their phone books or local directories to find a local plumbing service

Shreoshe Ghosh

Top Questions to Ask Law Firm SEO Service Providers

Availing professional law firm SEO services is the first thing that comes to the mind of lawyers and attorneys looking to expand their online reach.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Proven Strategies to Boost Lead Generation for Lawyers

The rising competition in the legal industry, coupled with the scarcity of qualified leads, has pushed law practitioners and law firms to prioritize deploying quality lead generation strategies above everything else. 

Shreoshe Ghosh

11 Plumbing Website Design Elements for SEO Lead Generation

As important as it is to have a fully-functional website for your plumbing business, it is equally crucial to ensure that your website has a professional look and feel, which can come through good website design.

Shreoshe Ghosh


How to Generate Leads for SEO Services? 10 Explosive Agency Secrets

You decided to plunge into an ocean of agencies that are already providing Search Engine Optimization services . Congratulations!

Dileep Thekkethil

14 Effective Ways to Write a Google Ads Copy that Converts

Looking for effective ways to write Google ads copy that converts? Read on to get rich insights!

Shreoshe Ghosh


24 Advanced Google Search Operators for 2024

Google search operators are not new to SEO experts and webmasters around the world.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Cumulative Layout Shift: Improve Google CLS Score

Have you ever been in a situation where the checkout button vanishes when you try placing an order? 

Shreoshe Ghosh

Keyword Density: Can It Improve SEO Results in 2024?

As you already know, keywords are the building blocks of your content. These are usually the search phrases used by your target audience to access information online.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Google E.E.A.T: Everything You Need to Know in 2024

In the wee hours of August 2018, Google came out with an announcement of yet another algorithm update. As it does this multiple times in a year, the SEO industry braced for impact. 

Dileep Thekkethil

A Simple & Effective SEO Checklist to Better Your SEO Results

Rooted in evergreen SEO principles and best practices, this checklist can help you achieve real results—no matter where you fall on the scale of SEO knowledge.

Cody Jensen

Optimizing Sitemap for SEO: Basic to Advanced Guide

You have built a fantastic website. Congratulations on this feat. So, how is it fairing on Google search?

Dileep Thekkethil


15 Reasons to Start Working on Your SEO Today

If you’re entering into the world of digital marketing, there’s one term that’s likely to stir up some strong emotions, and that is search engine optimization.

Michael Dehoyos

Online Reputation Management: How It Can Boost Your SEO

Every business owner cares about their online presence and wants excellent search visibility.

Thomas B. Varghese

How an Email Newsletter Can Boost Your SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex strategy, as it can be influenced by hundreds of different factors.

Jayson DeMers

SEO Vs. Google Ads: Which Is Better?

The comparison to PPC and SEO traffic is not new; people have been trying to draw comparisons ever since Google existed. It can be challenging to find what is ‘better’ for your business.

Richard Kennedy

Persuasive Marketing: Get The Power to Drive More Leads

While talking about the power of persuasion, many people might feel that it is a bad thing, especially because the expression has an unfavorable nature.

Jamie Turner

Local SEO: The Definitive Guide (2024)

Let’s face the truth. Local SEO is important. Why? Just look at these numbers.

Ananyaa Venkat

Outdated SEO Practices That You Should Definitely Avoid

The search engine optimization (SEO) industry is evolving at a fast and continuous pace.

Ronaldo Stewart

10 Types of Content that are Essential for Every Digital Marketer

Content is the lifeblood of digital marketing campaigns. Trying to launch a winning digital marketing campaign without any content is a lot like trying to drive a car without an engine – it’d remain a pipe dream.


Definitive Guide to Hack Your Google Analytics Data

Are you a newbie in the world of websites and analytics? After setting up your site, the next thing that came to your mind is probably Google Analytics.


The Importance of a Content Calendar

A content calendar is a written schedule to organize and publish content on the web. Most businesses use a content calendar to plan and execute their current and upcoming content strategies.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Technical SEO Checklist for Easy Fixes and Better Ranking

Time and again, the word SEO has been misunderstood by businesses as a one-time investment that churns out money on its own.

Dileep Thekkethil


How to Increase Domain Authority in 2024

How to increase the Domain Authority of my website? This is a common question that I encounter during almost all initial discussions with website owners.

Dileep Thekkethil

Accelerated Mobile Pages: Are AMP Pages Worth It

If you are experiencing faster web browsing? AMP might be one of the leading factors that enabled it.

Dileep Thekkethil

Top 10 Content Marketing Strategies For 2024

Since Google released the Panda algorithm update in 2011, it has been very stringent about the quality of online content. Websites that use thin content or plagiarized content were penalized.

Shreoshe Ghosh

SEO On-Air: What are Guest Post and Link Farms?

Hello guys, today we’re doing another segment in our Guest Post podcast series with Dileep. Our topic for today is guest post farms, popularly known as link farms in SEO.

Shreoshe Ghosh

.htaccess SEO Guide With Example Codes for 2024

Your website may have come down after you made a few edits on your .htaccess file. But that’s nothing to be worried about!

Dileep Thekkethil

Conversion Rate Optimization Tips for 2024

If you’re a business owner, your website is not there for charity! You took the time to design the perfect site to generate more revenue for your business either directly or indirectly.

Dileep Thekkethil

10 SEO Audit Factors to Consider Before Starting Out

An SEO audit or search engine optimization audit is devised to extract information regarding the performance of a website on the organic search results page.

Valerie Tkachenko

Keyword Research for SEO: The Ultimate Guide (2024)

Hello there! I understand that you are here to learn more about keyword research But, honestly, nobody has the time to read an entire guide in one go!

Shreoshe Ghosh


List of Top 10 Search Engines Based on Popularity (Updated for 2024)

Are you looking for a list of  search engines that you can use when doomsday hits Google?

Dileep Thekkethil

Importance of Competitor Analysis in Digital Marketing: A Guide

We live in an era where even the weirdest business ideas face intense competition.

Dileep Thekkethil

Duplicate Content: SEO Solutions Recommended by Google

Any content that appears in more than one place on the internet is deemed as duplicate content.

Shounak Gupte

On-Page SEO: A Complete Guide for 2024

There was a time when on-page SEO meant keyword stuffing. With Google’s Panda update the websites that relied on this tactic were thrown out from the first page! 

Dileep Thekkethil

29 Google SERP Features and Updates for SEOs

Google SERP features are any new additional property added to the Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP) that was not there in the traditional organic results page.

Dileep Thekkethil

Internal Linking Best Practices to Maximize SEO Results in 2024

Internal links are hyperlinks on a webpage that point to another webpage or resource, such as an image, video, or document on the same website or domain.

Shreoshe Ghosh

New Google Search Results Design: Adds Black Ad Label, Favicon and Site Name

Just a week after Google announced that the mobile search results page design had been adapted to desktop search, it seems like the feedback is not too great.

Dileep Thekkethil

Top SEO Tools For 2024: A Curated List

Google relies on umpteen signals to rank a website. This is why it is a prerequisite for all websites to possess these quality signals to rank No. 1 on Google.

Shreoshe Ghosh


Steal Your Competitors SEO Customers (Ethically)

SEO is a business that we all do to win! Winning at any cost has been the game plan for agency owners ever since the inception. When you sit on such a hot-seated throne, you have little mercy for your competitors.

Dileep Thekkethil


5 SEO Secrets That No One Wants To Reveal

Agency owners will agree that  clients have an obsession with getting more organic traffic.

Dileep Thekkethil


White Label SEO Reseller Services & Pricing Explained

Think of this. After fixing a few fundamental SEO issues, a website you optimized got a massive boost in organic traffic.

Dileep Thekkethil

Online Reviews: What Marketers Must Know About Customer Reviews

Using customer reviews in marketing is undoubtedly a success determinant for businesses in today’s interconnected world.

Dileep Thekkethil

How to Properly Redirect WordPress Posts and Pages

Pages on a website can become obsolete or invalid for a whole variety of reasons.

Ivan Jurisic

Key Takeaways from Google Webmaster Conference

The recently concluded Google Webmaster Conference Product Summit at Mountain View, California, gave attendees the opportunity to get some key learnings on SEO.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Google Site Kit: Google’s official WordPress plugin for Webmasters

Is your WordPress website running slow due to multiple plugin installations used to track Analytics, AdSense, SearchConsole, and PageSpeed Insights?

Dileep Thekkethil

SEO For Financial Advisors: 11 Step SEO Success Mantra

When we talk about SEO for financial advisors, most of them believe that their business will run on referrals, but that is a thing of the past.

Shreoshe Ghosh

4 Things to Consider When Creating Content for International Markets

B2B and B2C markets use the content as a powerful tool to establish their online presence. There are many ways to deliver your brand message across your customer base.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Google BERT: Everything You Need to Know

All the talk in the SEO arena is about the recently announced Google BERT update. Like the other Google Algorithm updates, there is a fair bit of confusion among SEOs about the impact of what Google calls the biggest change in its algorithm in the last five years.

Dileep Thekkethil

Crawl Budget in SEO: How to Get Crawl Prioritization from Google

Still wondering how to get Google to crawl your site? Let me summarize all the basics that you want to know about Google crawl budget ahead of talking in-depth about how to optimize crawl budget of your website.

Dileep Thekkethil

Why Google Don’t Show Featured Snippets for Some Sites

Google is experimenting with different types of content that can be included as featured snippets.

Dileep Thekkethil

Enhance Web Presence in Assistant and Search with Google Templates

Google announced on Wednesday that webmasters can now enhance their web presence by optimizing pages for Search and the Assistant by using easy-to-use Google templates

Shreoshe Ghosh

How to Get on Featured Snippets: 11 Optimization Tips

The popularity of featured snippets has been soaring since its inception in 2014. According to Moz, a whopping 23% of all search result pages include a featured snippet.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Negative SEO: Google Ignores Negative Backlinks

A negative SEO attack is something that almost all SEOs are worried about. There are agencies that concentrate on building negative backlinks to competitor websites of their clients to get an undue advantage.

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Showing ‘Search by Photos’ Option in Mobiles Across Selected Local Verticals

Google has a new option called “search by photos” boxes on selected local verticals. For now, this feature is only available on mobiles, and it isn’t similar to “interesting finds” or “discover more places,”

Dileep Thekkethil

Mixed Content Error: What Is it And How to Fix It?

By now you must have enabled HTTPS on your server. Great. If not, don’t worry, you can do that anytime by contacting your hosting provider.

Dileep Thekkethil

User-Generated Images to Feature in Google Shopping Product Reviews

Google has been rapidly making changes to its algorithms to enhance the user experience and improve the relevancy of the search results.

Srijita Das Roy

Google Search Console Update: New Structured Data Markups Introduced

If you are a webmaster, Google Search Console is your go-to-tool for understanding how websites are performing on organic search results of Google.

Dileep Thekkethil

Multiple H1 Tags on Page is Perfectly Fine in SEO

The one question that has been bugging On-Page Optimization specialists is whether Multiple H1 tags on a page can cause a bad reputation on Google.

Dileep Thekkethil

Googlebot User Agents and Strings – Complete 2024 List

You might already know that Google’s search engine spiders use the Chrome-based browser to crawl and index webpages.

Dileep Thekkethil

Voice Search Optimization: 9 Effective Strategies to be Heard

The popularity of voice searches is growing at a rapid rate today. Currently, almost 20% of all searches are executed by voice search.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Webmasters Can Soon Customize Google Search Snippets of Pages

As per the latest announcements by the Google Webmaster on 16th October 2019, in a few days from now, Google Search will start using new preview markups in search results.

Dileep Thekkethil


Search Console Performance Report Gets Fresher Data

The long wait of webmasters has now come to an end. Google on Monday announced that the performance report in search console has been upgraded with improved data freshness based on the feedback of the users.

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Introduces Key Moments for Video Search Results

As you may already know, Google is on a mission to make the search experience as smooth and seamless as possible for the users.

Dileep Thekkethil

Latest Google Updates: More Impetus on Original Reporting

For news outlets and media organizations, getting on the top spot of Google rankings has always been challenging.

Srijita Das Roy

Dental SEO Guide for Clinics and Dentists to Attract New Patients

One exciting thing that I’ve witnessed doing dental SEO marketing is there isn’t a specific age or audience group that you can avoid from the SEO campaign. 

Dileep Thekkethil

How To Get More Clients With SEO For Fitness Websites

There are many challenges associated with owning a fitness center or gym. You have to make sure you’re completely prepared with all the equipment that your clients would need.

Dileep Thekkethil

Meta Title/Description Guide: 2024 Best Practices

Have you recently optimized the meta title and meta description of your website as part of the on-page optimization effort?

Dileep Thekkethil

SEO for Restaurants: 10 Proven Strategies to Increase Business

You have started a new restaurant business, and you hope to see it in the Michelin Guide someday, but what you need is good publicity to get customers rushing in through your restaurant doors.

Shreoshe Ghosh

SEO for Electricians: How to Make Your Way Across the Top Google Searches

Ever since businesses started promoting their products and services over the internet, a lot has changed.

Dileep Thekkethil

SEO for Banks: Why Banking Websites Need to Focus on SEO?

Securing a top position on the first page of Google organic search is vital for the success of any banking websites.

Dileep Thekkethil

Optimizing Page Experience for Google Recommended Page Load Time

Before deep-diving into  how to get Google-recommended page load time and other steps to optimize your page experience for better speed and user experience

Dileep Thekkethil

SEO For Car Dealerships: A Complete Blueprint

Suppose you run a car dealership business, where you offer services relating to specific car makes or models, or offer all services relating to new and used cars.

Dileep Thekkethil

Future of Search: How Google is Transitioning into a Portal

Google has always aimed at providing relevant results to search queries in the easiest way possible. Even before you start the search, Google suggests possible results for your query.

Srijita Das Roy

SEO for Journalists: 15 Must-Follow Optimization Rules

With the increasing number of fresh content on the web, news producers and journalists are constantly struggling to retain their target audience.

Shreoshe Ghosh

SEO for Locksmiths: Best Tips and Tricks to Rank #1 on Google

Some of the best locksmith websites attribute their success to good SEO practices and dynamic digital marketing efforts.

Dileep Thekkethil

SEO for Universities and Colleges: 12 Focus Areas to Consider

Students search for the best universities to pursue higher education, and with internet technologies flourishing, Google has become the go-to source to filter the top-ranking universities.

Dileep Thekkethil

Real Estate SEO: A Complete Blueprint

To sell more homes and properties, you’ll need to invest in the best SEO strategy. We can help you get closer to your dream as you focus on other areas of your business.

Shreoshe Ghosh

SEO STANdard Daily: Indexing Podcasts, Voice Search & Disallowed URLs on SERPs

In today’s edition of the SEO STANdard Daily we gloss over a couple of exciting news updates from Google’s Developer Conference and one important update on disallowed URLs.

Geoffrey Ashok

SEO STANdard Daily: Keywords in URL, Infinite Scroll & Google I/O 2019

We find new information about Search every day. It might be a new feature, a new tool, a new ranking strategy, or a simple validating nod from Google on a debatable topic.

Geoffrey Ashok

SEO for CBD Companies: How to Rank Your Cannabis Business

Are you planning to run your CBD business online? Well, we have good news for you.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Mega April Offer

Know why your competitors are ranking higher than you through a systematic analysis that delves deep into the on-page ,off-page , and technical SEO aspects


Marketing for Travel and Tourism Websites in the Age of Google Search

The biggest beneficiaries of internet democratization and its related services are businesses that invested in digital marketing for travel and tourism sector.

Dileep Thekkethil

How to Do Healthcare and Medical SEO in 2024

Healthcare and medical websites are top beneficiaries of SEO as their success mostly relies on how easily people find them online.

Dileep Thekkethil

SEO for Contractors: How to Grow Your Business Organically

If you look at digital marketing, you can spot a dynamic change in the purchasing process.

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Click Through Rate affected by SERP Features and Ads

Google has become an unassailable search giant, and the California-based company’s voyage has wreaked havoc amongst many big names such as the once-mighty Yahoo! and AltaVista.

Dileep Thekkethil

SEO For Law Firms: Tips for Lawyers to Find New Clients Online

Receiving traction from potential clients is the bread and butter of any successful law firm.

Dileep Thekkethil

29 Latest Social Media Trends That You Should Follow in 2024

Social media has managed to become an integral part of our lives in a short time.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Why Blogs and Blog Managers are Important for Law Firm Websites?

Running a successful law firm website in the US is both competitive and challenging.

Dileep Thekkethil

MozBar Extension Not Working? Here are a Few Fixes

Are you a digital marketing professional who uses MozBar to check the Page Authority, Domain Authority and above all the Spam Score of websites?

Dileep Thekkethil

Image SEO: How to Rank on Google Image Search in 2024

So, why should you care about Image SEO in the first place?

Dileep Thekkethil


Starting SEO Business in 2024: Tips to Become Successful

Planning to start an SEO Business ? Possible that you are confused about how to generate quick ROI through SEO services. If you are going through this dilemma, consider yourself cured!

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Updates Search Console Beta Index Coverage Report

Did you notice a new update notification in the beta version of the Google search console?

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Broad Core Algorithm Update: Facts and Fixes

Google makes changes to their search algorithm many times a day, but all of these changes don’t get reported nor does Google reveal about much to the users.

Dileep Thekkethil


How to Choose the Best SEO Company in 2024: 15 Must-Ask Questions

If you are looking for the best SEO company to optimize your website, let me caution you, be watchful of the traps laid ahead for you.

Dileep Thekkethil

Google’s new update makes Privacy Control access easier for users

With most of the credentials being stored online and most of the day to day activities being done online, people demand more security and control.

Sai Digbijay Patnaik

Google kills video thumbnails: Replaces it with carousels

If you are into marketing videos, Google has just dropped a bombshell that could make significant changes in the click-through-rate.

Sai Digbijay Patnaik


Off-Page SEO Techniques 2024: Ultimate Guide For Beginners

Let me start with an example to make it easy for you. You have a brand new car with the most refined engine..

Shreoshe Ghosh

How Digital Content Marketing Helps You Increase Revenue

Digital content marketing uses any electronic medium to create and share content across the web.

Dileep Thekkethil


Tips For Designing an SEO Friendly Website in 2024

The website has replaced the brick and mortar store. It is even replacing some of the employees and departments in traditional offices, as it serves as a counter for selling wares.


WordPress SEO Plugins for 2024: A Handpicked List

Here’s an SEO joke: why did the search engine receive a lawsuit? Because it was a creepy crawler. Get it? Haha.

Dileep Thekkethil

List of Google Schemas: Structured Markup Guide 2024

When it comes to boosting the rankings of your website, it sometimes happens that you think that the marketers and the web developers are communicating in another language.

Dileep Thekkethil

Search Ads vs Display Ads: Which One is better for Growth?

There are various ways of advertising your business digitally. When it comes to planning a campaign to market a business online, we all get into a confusion of choosing out of Search ads vs Display ads making calculations and seeing what can be better.

Shreoshe Ghosh


25 SEO Myths You Must Ignore in 2024 & Beyond

Nowadays, there are a lot of tips and tricks about SEO. However, some of them are beneficial while some are entirely misleading.

Shreoshe Ghosh

Top 29 Digital Marketing Books Every Marketing Professional Should Read

The territory of Digital Marketing is a shifting landscape that changes continuously. However, if done precisely by following trends and utilizing well-suited strategies, then digital marketing guarantees gigantic returns as well.

Shreoshe Ghosh