Google Updates

Google Algorithm Update 2019

Older Google Algorithm Updates: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, Other Updates BERT Update Live for 70 Languages – December 9, 2019 Google has officially announced the rollout of BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) in Google Search across 70 languages. Earlier in October 2019, Google rolled out BERT, touting it as the latest and most reliable language processing algorithm. Google Algorithm Update 2019

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Algorithm Upate 2020

Older Google Algorithm Updates: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, Other Updates Google Algorithm Update – December 2020 Core Update On December 17th, Google announced that the rollout of the December 2020 Broad Core update is finally over. The December 2020 Core Update rollout is complete. — Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) December 16, 2020 The announcement about the update came two weeks back Google Algorithm Upate 2020

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Algorithm Update 2021

Older Google Algorithm Updates: 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019, Other Updates Product Review Update December 2021 Google has launched the second product review update for 2021, and it’s intended to help websites that offer in-depth reviews that help users make an informed buying decision. Earlier, in April, Google had launched a similar update. Sites with shallow reviews that add no value Google Algorithm Update 2021

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Algorithm Update 2022

Older Google Algorithm Updates: 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019, Other Updates December 2022 Link Spam Update Rollout Completed Announced on 14th December, the December 2022 Link Spam Update took close to a month to complete the rollout. On January 12th, Google officially announced that both Link Spam Update and Helpful Content update rollout has been completed. In fact, both these updates Google Algorithm Update 2022

Dileep Thekkethil

Helpful Content Update 2023: What Does It Mean to You?

One reason I decided to switch my writing career to core SEO was frequent altercations with SEO teammates. In a way, the hate for SEO made me learn more about it. 

Dileep Thekkethil

Google Algorithm Update 2024: June 2024 Spam Update

Google will be rolling out an incremental update to its helpful content system in the coming months.

Dileep Thekkethil

Passage Indexing: A New Ranking Algorithm from Google

Your Google search experience will reach new vistas starting 2021 as the search engine giant has rolled out a ranking factor – Passage Indexing.

Dileep Thekkethil

Google E.E.A.T: Everything You Need to Know in 2024

In the wee hours of August 2018, Google came out with an announcement of yet another algorithm update. As it does this multiple times in a year, the SEO industry braced for impact. 

Dileep Thekkethil

29 Google SERP Features and Updates for SEOs

Google SERP features are any new additional property added to the Google Search Engine Results Page (SERP) that was not there in the traditional organic results page.

Dileep Thekkethil

New Google Search Results Design: Adds Black Ad Label, Favicon and Site Name

Just a week after Google announced that the mobile search results page design had been adapted to desktop search, it seems like the feedback is not too great.

Dileep Thekkethil